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10 Essential Oils for Your Family


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I recently asked my team member, Krystal, to share her essential oils journey on my blog. Krystal is a mom of 3 who also homeschools.

Three years.  Three years I read about Young Living Essential Oils on Jodi’s blog before my family took the plunge.  I thought, no way that works.  Then there was a delightful post about Thieves.  Being as I studied history in college, I was fascinated. I loved the background, and I promptly emailed the link to my sister, thinking it would fit her family, but not mine.  But I remembered and kept reading.  Reading about how to be happy and drinking caffeine at night – thinking, that might be helpful.  But always remembering Thieves. 


You see, though my family had no prescriptions or serious ailments, we weren’t healthy.  Every winter, from November to April, we would be sick with something or other – croup, bronchitis, sinus infection.  All winter long, my husband especially was affected.  So what was the turning point?  What was the turning point from thinking and reading about oils into using Young Living oils?  The flu went through my house for the first time.  I was pregnant; our other two children were small.  It was unpleasant.  Never again.  My husband and I talked through a few options as to what direction we wanted to take with our family, and I hesitantly brought up Young Living.  But as I mentioned that these oils were taken from the plants as they were on the third day of Creation, my husband said to go for it.  That was well over a year ago.   We haven’t looked back to our life before oils since.

So, what are the most used oils in our house? 

10 Essential Oils

In no particular order, here is the nitty gritty:

Thieves:  we use for immune support and it works wonders on removing splinters.

RC: cold, cough, congestion, basically, all the winter crud.

Lavender: bumps, bruises, scrapes, dry and itchy skin

Frankincense: my all time favorite! Bad bumps, dry skin, skin rejuvenation, uplifting mood 

Peppermint: headaches, upset stomachs, carsickness prevention, muscle pain

Peace and Calming: I have three young children – and it was a LONG winter!

Joy: one I use everyday over my heart, and also works wonders on my husbands unfortunate yet inevitable poison ivy each summer

Purification: now that we’re getting into summer, I’ll be getting out the Purification for bug bites and homemade bug spray!

Lemon: in my water everyday!

Valor: one of my favorite smells!  Used in my morning routine and for back pain.

Those are the oils we use the most.  You’ll notice that in the winter we used a lot of Thieves and RC, but now as it is moving towards summer, I expect to bench those and use more Joy and Purification.  As the seasons change, so too do our health needs.  

Everyday Essential Oils from Young Living

You might also notice that nine of the ten oils I listed as our most used oils are part of the Everyday Oils collection.  And we do use them EVERY DAY.   I can only be thankful that my family was introduced to Young Living essential oils.  These oils have blessed my family and so have the two women who have helped me on  our oily journey – Maureen and Jodi.  As God saw fit to bless my family in this way, I have sought to share about my family’s experience in hopes that it might bless others.  After all, how much is your family’s health worth?  And that is the challenge that everyone must answer.


Are you interested in learning more about essential oils? Krystal and I would love to help you! Our desire is provide you tools and a support system to help you confidently use essential oils and other Young Living products.  If you need help or have any questions, please contact us!

P.S. –> You can find more essential oil information here.


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