You're reading Free Psalm 119 coloring & Resurrection Family Resource by Spell Outloud. If you've enjoyed this post, consider following SpellOutloud on Twitter and Facebook
OhAmanda has been busy! I was thrilled to be able to contribute to her #endbiblepoverty campaign. She is challenging her children to memorize Psalm 119:9-16 and to help them, she has free Psalm 119 coloring pages that go along with each of the verses. My kids are working on memorizing them too!
Resurrection Study for Kids
OhAmanda has also come out with a Resurrection study for kids.
This is not Truth in the Tinsel: Part Duex. This is a completely different thing, completely different story but just as meaningful.
I am thrilled to start this new ebook, A Sense of the Resurrection, with my children. I appreciate so much how much Amanda has worked to provide tools that help families Impress the Word on the hearts of their children. Her blog is full of activity ideas on various topics. She is so creative! This new ebook is sure to be another wonderful tool that parents can use to share Jesus with their children.
12 simple activities to be done the few weeks before Easter will turn your home into a memorial to Jesus’ death and resurrection. You’ll experience Jesus’ anointing, the Last Supper, Peter’s denial, the cross, the empty tomb and more. Memories will be made as your family uses their five senses to understand and believe the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
This simple eBook includes printables, Scriptures and specific conversation and starting points so you and your kids can get a sense of the resurrection.